Minggu, 05 Januari 2020

Why Choose Vegan and Cruelty Free Acne Treatment Solutions and Skin Care Products?

Saat ini banyak sekali brand - brand skincare yang beredar dipasaran.

Mulai dari brand yang memiliki nama bagus sampai yang belum diketahui kredibilitasnya. 
Hal ini dikarenakan Skincare saat ini merupakan pangsa pasar terbesar di Industri kecantikan setelah makeup. Ini berarti banyak sekali perusahaan - perusahaan kecantikan yang juga menyumbang limbah dan penggunaan animal testing untuk produk mereka.

Melihat banyaknya produk - produk yang menggunakan Animal Testing saat ini, membuat saya ingin perlahan - lahan melakukan yang terbaik untuk lingkungan saya. Salah satunya adalah menggunakan produk - produk Skincare kecantikan yang ramah lingkungan dan cruelty free.

Kali ini produk yang saya coba adalah  Derma-E Acne Rebalancing Cream.
Kalau yang kenal dengan saya pasti tau banget deh kulit wajah saya itu tipe yang berjerawat, jadi memang butuh banget skincare series yang memang berfokus untuk membrantas jerawat

Sebelum aku cerita why I choose this product, aku mau perkenalkan dulu mengenai produk ini dan kenapa aku sangat yakin.

Derma-E ini brand asalnya dari United States dan aku inget banget pertama kali aku tau brand ini karena salah satu teman dikantorku yang pengguna Derma - E. Dan setelah cari tahu mengenai produk ini comment aku cuma OH MY GOD this brand is so freakin cool. Buat orang - orang yang sedang belajar menjadi green beauty I bet you gonna like it. 

Since brand ini ternyata cruelty freenya bukan cuma eles - eles or just marketing gimmick.
Karena dari ingredientsnya aja brand ini tidak mengandung  parabens, sodium lauryl sulfates, petrolatum, mineral oil, artificial colors, gluten, soy or GMOs yang merupakan ingredient yang tidak vegan friendly. And something that's makes love this brand even more is their packaging is 100% recyclable. You can see on its packaging.

Product Review Derma-E Acne Rebalancing Cream

Jujur aku paling benci kalau kondisi kulit kering saat lagi berjerawat karena itu bikin gatel dan tekstur muka keliatan banget. That's why aku butuh moisturizer cream yang bukan cuma bikin lembab tapi juga calming jerawat dan kulit aku yang gampang gatel pas jerawatan.

Untuk aromanya enak banget wangi khas greenting yang bikin calming dan creamnya yang shooting bikin kulit aku tenang dan jerawat - jerawat aku lebih kalem. Biasanya aku pakai moisturizer ini pagi sebelum skincare dan sun screen serta malam setelah melakukan double cleansing.

Dan kemasannya walaupun di jar tapi gak bulky dan tetap travel friendly.

This product is superb and my personal favorite.

For more information produk apa yang kira - kira cocok dengan kamu bisa cek langsung ke instagramnya Derma - E di @Dermae yah!

Rabu, 15 Oktober 2014

Strawberry Generation

Hi guys....
Today I will share about a new knowledge for us about Strawberry Generation.
Since, I have been reading this interesting topic from my local newspaper.

Let's start...
So, What is exactly the Strawberry Generation itself?
According to the writer of this column (Prof. Rhenald Kasali),
we are the young generation, we are the Strawberry Generation.
Well, this explanation is not satisfy me enough then I tried to search it in the internet.
So, it  explains that Strawberry Generation is a Chinese neologism for Taiwanese
who born in between 1980 and 1990. At the first, this generation was labelled to Taiwanese only,
but now it was adapt to X generation especially in Asia.

Source : http://english.people.com.cn

Why it is labelled as Strawberry?
That is because this generation grown up in the better environment,
as you can see strawberry is a fruit which vegetate in a green house , or in the good weather,
which is not too hot and not too cold.
Then the other reason, strawberry is known for their beauty, delicacy, and also high price,
but in other hand strawberry is also known as a fruit which easy to get defect.
So, it was subset from this generation which is weak even though they are smart
and have amazing the way of thinking but they are can not stand with pressure, difficulties, and disappointment.

Back to the local newspaper I have read. The writer gave an example when he met
the young executive in the company which the condition was deadlock.
The writer said that he was impressed by the idea of the young executive,
which was the idea according to the writer is out of the box.
However, when the last session of question and answer, his facial expression was change.
He was looked that he could not accept the situation,
which the situation is others criticism about his idea.

Then, not so long time ago, he (the writer) met again with that young executive.
Then he (the young executive) said that he was move to other company,
that is because he felt that he was attacked in that meeting,
which in the old generation get attack in the meeting is something usual.
In short, the writer thought that Strawberry Generation did not know how complicated
the battlefield the old generation faced.

So guys...do you believe that you are look like strawberry???
Or you are disagree with this topic???
From my point of view...the one know who you are is only you not the others.
So, if you making a mistake or people disagree with you do not force them to trust you.
But you have to increase it...because sometimes we can said the truth about others
but we can not accept when people said something truth about us....

- Au revoir a tus- 

Jumat, 10 Oktober 2014

How To Maximize Your Beauty

Bonjour my lovely girls,

I feel so sorry because it is already a long time I am not updated this blog.
Actually I feel a bit bad for neglecting this blog since last year.
My time was overtaken by my thesis, yeah big bad thesis. 
Probably it is not to late for me to share something I learn.

So, yesterday I came to my friends house and we shared about how to maximize your beauty.
Then many questions come over from our mind.
Is it  enough if we have pretty face?
Or may be good inner beauty?
Is classy attitude will bring us into it?
And many more off course.
Because our discussion did not bring us into the best answer so we kept in for ourselves.

After several days, we already meet our answer so now I want to share our discussion about it.

So, this is the way for Maximize Your Beauty Via Snowcandies.blog

1. Be Your Self

Source : www.imgion.com 

Actually, What I want to talk about is your behavior. Then why I choose be yourself as a title?
because attitude is one of yourself. Your attitude is you, and what people talk about you is about your attitude. Every single person in this world has a unique attitude, and people also have good and bad attitude in them. So, that is your choice to choose you want to develop your good attitude or your bad one. 

So, to maximize your beauty, you do not have to become another person. To make people have a good impression you do not have to imitate other just like try speak like Emma Watson or Emma Stone, or become so classy like Kate Middleton or her sister Pippa Middleton. Now, I am sure all of you wonder how to maximize it. Then here are the clues:

To begin with this, the first thing I want to say is you have to know best yourself. You have know what are your strengths and your weaknesses, then make it to become your opportunities. Do not change your self. Let me give you an example, people around you, know you as a cheerful and funny girl, but in other hand they also know you as a bitter tongue. So, in order to maximize your beauty, you have to learn to minimum to speak a bitter word or inappropriate word. While learn to minimum the usage of bitter word, you can train your self as a cheerful and funny girl, with appropriate jokes. Well, a good joke does not have to hurt others right. Use Powerful Word which makes your powerful.

2. Use the powerful word, which can make you so powerful

Source: http://trishborgdorff.wordpress.com

Then after you can maximize your strengths. Try to make people interest with something you say. All of you need is know what you need to say and not what you want to say. Try to make what is your purpose to speak and what you want to covey. Then make it the priority. The best and powerful words it always contain 3 factors:
  • The first it can make people think.
  • Then  can make people move to one point to another point. Which makes people want to do what you say.
  • And the last is keep it short and simple.
If your words can contain that three factors, it means you also can contain this three little trick to make you looks charm around your environment.
  • Make the way you talk is capable to conveying others.
  • With those "right words" try to make "right situation" to negotiate or offering something.
  • Your word should explain what happened with make sense excuse.

3. Use the language in which people can not lie

What kind of language in the world which people can not lie? well, the answer is body language.
May be all of you ever seen people not angry but her face is getting red or may be you ever seen people offering something but they did use the right position.
So, which of body language the best to implement ?
Here are the tips :

  • The first do not forget to always keep your eyes contact to people. Since, make an eyes contact makes people who speak with you feel so 
  • Then don't forget with your facial expression, make the expression which make other feel comfort with you.
  • Watch your body posture, gesture and hand movement. Keep them polite and do not offense other.

4. First impression

First impression is the best way to steal others perception about you. It means anything. It takes no more than ten seconds to steal people perception about you. So, what is the "First impression" which can make people judge you bad or not. Well, I can said it was your style and facial expression for sure.....

For instance, remember how did you feel when the first time you met your spouse, what made you instantly like your spouse in the first time??? if I might guess it must be "first impression" right???. Do you know there is why there is "Love At The First Sight", that is because when people meet you for the first time they will making the decision and the judgement about you just looking your appearance  for ten second only.

So, making a good first impression to others is an opportunity for itself, especially for you to getting a job or dealing a business, first impression tactic is one of the best way to get what is your goal.

I hope my post will have a good benefit for you...

Minggu, 15 September 2013

Finding The Suit University Of Your Life

Hello Everybody!!!
Finally I am able to write a new posting.

Today's posting it will a little bit different with usual post.
I will talk about something which I have read from Times Higher Education.
Let's try to face it. When we all talk about the future sometimes we need  to think
twice to answer people when they are asking about your future. It may be easy to
answer what kind of occupation we want to do in the future however, when the conversation
lead us to answer what will you do to reach your dreams. May be I can help you to answer
that kind of question.

Well, I believe many of you have dreams to become a CEO of a good company like Steve Ballmer
or Jeffrey Immelt. I am sure all of you already know where they are from.
Yes, Harvard University!!!
Now I will share the good universities which may be suit to you.
And of course they are well known schools.  Personally I think good universities
will lead you become success people.

  • Harvard University

Harvard University. Who do not know about this Uni. It is the first rank university in the world.It is located in Cambridge, Massachusets, United State. This result surely unsurprisingly, which has created around 25 CEO whose companies have combined revenue of $ 1.5 Trillion. One of them is Steve Ballmer CEO of Microsoft company. 
  • University of Tokyo

In the second Place we have University of Tokyo. I think it is a noble for Japanese, since one of their universities is chosen to be university which generates many Global Executive after Harvard University. It  generates 13 CEO and has combined revenue of companies which is $ 755,6 Billion. Regrettably, I do not know the name one of the CEO alumnus University of Tokyo.  
  • Stanford University

After University of Tokyo, then it is followed by Standford University, which is established 11 CEO and has compounded of companies revenue of $ 492,5 Billion. One of its alumnus is Marrisa Mayer who becomes CEO of Yahoo.
  • Ecole Polythecnique

After go around in the US and Japan. Then the next two positions are filled by French Institution. This Institution already brings their 12 alumnus become CEO of good companies. Thierry Desmarest (CEO of Total) and Jean Martin Folz ( former CEO of PSA Peugeot Citroen) are some of its alumnus. The companies of its alumnus conjoin revenue are $ 916,7 Billion.

Hautes Etudes Commerciales de Paris or known as HEC Paris is a one of well known business schools in Paris. It is located in southern suburbs of Paris, France. Jean Paul Agon CEO of L'oreal is one of its alumnus. This campus has alumnus which companies have combined revenue of $ 616,8 Billion. 
  • ENA, Ecole Nationale D'administration

ENA is a graduate school in Strasbroug, France. It already produces 100 graduates each year, and it is known as enarque. Generally, it produces 9 CEO, one of them is Michel Bon, he was a former CEO of Carrefour. 

Here I give you the list of good universities which produce many Global Executives

Alma Mater Index
Institution name
HEC Paris
ENA, École Nationale d’Administration
Source : www.timeshighereducation.co.uk 

Last but not the least I will give you a quote about education from Nelson Mandela

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world"
-Nelson Mandela- 

Sabtu, 07 September 2013

Smell yourself!!!

Hi gorgeous and gentleman.
Its been really a super long time for not updating my blog since my last post.

So, what's new from me??
Well, today I will give you some of the tips to attract people with smell of
the perfume that you use.

First of all, I will share one of my experiences about all kinds of perfume or cologne which I have been using.
Frankly, I used perfume since I was in elementary school, which  the point is to attract people around
me, do not think I have someone special at that time LOL, my focus planned is only to build my charm
(LOL times two). However, the interesting about my story is when I bought some unique fragrance and made impressed people around me. Once I bought super cute perfume which smell likes fruit candy and people around me started  asking who that girl with the funny aroma was. Then, they
tried to know me.

Okay, stop talking about my experience, I know you guys already get bored. Now, the one which I focus is you can attract people around you if you use the right perfume. Here are the list of the recommended perfume from me.

  • If you are in elementary school try to use disney perfume with cute bottle.

  • If you are in junior high school I recommend you to use Demeter, because they have a lot of funny scents that you can use.

  • If you are a senior high school student try to use Anna Sui, beside they have unique bottle they also have great scent.

  • And the last if you are a uni student like me, try to use Moschino or Victoria Secret perfumes since they have great and luxury scent.

  • Oh I almost forget. But, if you think you are mature enough and do not like such a childish aroma try to use high end perfume brand such as BVLGARI, Chanel, or maybe Versace perfume.
Hope you enjoy it,

A bientôt !!! 

Senin, 03 Juni 2013

When I was child

Hi guys sorry for unexpected hiatus.
As you have all probably noticed. I’ve been absent from blogger for a while.
I’m taking a moment out of my crazy busy schedule to write this brief post for you all. The stress of school has been taking up my free time.
Now, I have little free time to relax and enjoy my life.
While I was sitting on my desk chair in my bedroom with my laptop in front of me
Then, I remembered the whole things that are sweet when I was a child.
I wonder it would be nice to make a post about my favorite film when I was a kid.
It brings back a thousand sweets memories, indeed.


“I am Eloise. I am six. I am a city child. I live at the Plaza.”
Who didn’t remember with those words. That’s Eloise tag line when she introduced her self to strangers. I really love this movie. I always imagine what a wonderful life Eloise had, she lived at the plaza with her nanny who was from England, well maybe when she grew up Eloise would have great British accent like her nanny. When Christmas came Eloise always bought whatever she wanted without no limit. I also admire Eloise’s attitude, I know she was not a very polite kid but her act always made people loved her. She always came to the party at the plaza whether she was invited or not.  Her morning routine is like helping the servant in the plaza to change the sheet. Well, I could say Eloise spent her enormous at the plaza to keep her eyes on the visitors of the plaza, but unfortunately her mommy only came back to see her just on every special day like Christmas.


“In an old house in Paris that was covered with vines lived twelve little girls in two straight lines. In two straight lines they broke their bread and brushed their teeth and went to bed. They smiled at the good and frowned at the bad and sometimes they were very sad. They left the house at half past nine in two straight lines in rain or shine, the smallest one was Madeline”.
Yeah we always heard those words when we watched the twelve girls who attended Ms. Clavel’s boarding school. When I was a kid I had a dream to school in the boarding school like Mandeline. So, I have been thinking about Mandeline’s life. Mandeline always attracted little me to explore who I was as an Individual. When other story telling about princess and their femininity this little girl shows her gusty, smart and strong which makes her unique as a role model for me.  


There is not any tag line like Eloise and Mandeline’s films, but this film has a specialization on the main character. When I was a kid I wished I was special like Matilda. What is her specialization? She is gifted, she could make a thing moved with out touching it. That’s why I put Matilda as one of my favorite films of course when I was a kid. Sometimes I imagine my self as Matilda but I don’t  want to have parents like Matilda’s had. Her parents didn’t realize her prodigious skills and viewed her as foolish and idiotic. She also had a little weird family which she was the only one who was normal here. Her father, mother and brother always  treated her with rude behavior.

Babes in Toyland

"Remember Toyland, Toyland, beautiful girl and boy land. While you dwell with it you are ever happy there".
There are a bit lyrics of Toyland song when Humpty Dumpty sang that song. There are many version of Babes in Toyland, but I personally watched and love Babes in Toyland in cartoon version in 1997. This film tells about Jack an Jill and their way in Toy Land. Yeah, like it is name, Toy Land is a city but full of toys. I also love Humpty Dumpty in this movie. Because in this movie there was a good Humpty Dumpty not like in Puss in The Boots. 

That's all about my favorite movies when I was a kid. Well, I am just an ordinary kid at that moment. But I now I am realize how amazing my life when I was a kid. My parents gave me good movies for me. Much toys, even I can call my bedroom toy land like babes in toy land. Then, they also took me to the disney show if there is a show like disney on ice and others kids show. Lol, I think I say to much something unimportant. 

“Fairy tales had been her first experience of the magical universe, and more than once she had wondered why people ended up distancing themselves from that world, knowing the immense joy that childhood had brought to their lives.” 
 Paulo Coelho, Brida